Last year I cosplayed as Yuna
from Final Fantasy in her Gunner costume from FFX-2.
This cosplay was made for Upcon 2011.
Photo by Quisto Elliott
Putting the costume together:
I bought a cheap wig (not
worn in these pictures) from a flea market party store. I bought some wooden
beads in two shapes – round and cylindrical. I painted the cylindrical beads
(the round ones were the right colours already) so that they were similar to
Yuna’s, then strung them together to make the earring. I added some blue
embroidery thread on the end to complete it.
Since my ears are not
pierced, I did not make an actual earring. I simply strung it all onto some
transparent plastic wire and tied it into the wig near the ear area.
For the hood, I used a scarf
that I already had. It wasn’t perfect, but it worked.
To make the yellow arm bands,
I sewed two rectangular pieces of fabric and then sewed brown cotton though to
lace them up. The black armband is a belt that I just wrapped around my wrist.
The shirt was slightly more
complicated and I experienced a few difficulties when making it. I bought a
cheap white strappy top. The first thing I did was unpick the straps from the
back, so that from the front, they could tie into a halter neck. Then, while
the shirt was still on me, I cut down the centre of it until the gap was the
right length. Unfortunately, it wouldn’t hold this way, and just fell open and
sat wrong. So I sewed three lace straps into it so that it held everything in
place. I cut the bottom of the top into a jagged pattern. The actual costume
has lace on it, but I had no lace so, as I tend to do, I improvised. After
that, I cut the bottom off of an old pink shirt and sewed it into the bottom of
the white top. I cut the symbol/logo out of a sheet of thin plastic and sewed
it into place. I sewed loops into the sides of the shirt, through which I laced
the gold-ish cord which I think came from an old curtain. I sewed Velcro onto
the ends of the cord and the shirt was finally done!

The rest was quite simple.
For the over-skirt I used parts from old jeans. The denim was quite light, and
I just sewed pieces together.
The shorts belonged to my
sister, and again I asked her to use them.
The boots I already owned, I
just used white laces in them.
The belt was not the right
style but while searching for a suitable belt in the right colour, I found that
one extremely cheap so bought it! I added a pouch to it (that I already owned,
just added some strips I cut from the belt to it).
The ‘tail’ was made from
braided fabric that I had lying around. I sewed a piece of an old wig onto the
end then sewed a strip of fabric over that. To attach it, I tied it onto the
shirt when I put the cosplay on.
Once again, this cosplay did
not take long to put together and didn’t cost much money. It was comfortable
(besides the fact it was late autumn when I wore it – a little chilly) and I
really enjoyed wearing it!